I read lots of blogs. I currently have 24 in my favorites. One blog usually takes me to another blog, which takes me to another blog. Mainly they are about crafts and I just drool over things these women have made. I aspire to make pretty things. It is easy to look at other women make pretty things while Cora is nipping at my toes or hanging on my hip...it is not so easy to sit at a sewing machine or drag out paint and glitter. One day I will. Until then, I'll just keep adding blogs to my favorites, checking them daily as my puddle of drool gets bigger and bigger. As I was reading one of the blogs I came across a list that this lady had made. 30 things she wanted to do before she turned 30. I need to make some kind of bucket list...but that is not what this is about. On her list she mentioned writing in a journal to her kids every month. Hello! Why didn't I think of that. Well, I didn't think of that but I think it is a beautiful idea. I wish I would have seen it 11 months ago when Cora was first born. Children grow so much in the first year and I would have loved to have written to her every week telling her the amazing things she did. But alas, it is never too late. I'm starting now. And until I find a suiting journal, I'm going to write on here. It is kind of personal, a love letter from mother to daughter... but I think she won't mind that I share.
My sweet baby girl-
Tomorrow you turn 11 months old. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. I'm sorry I didn't start this journal earlier. Every day you amaze me more and more and I wish I could have told you how you made me feel from day one. I could have told you how excited I was when we successfully breastfed for the first time, or when you could hold your head up and Papa got to see, or how silly it was when you found your toes, when you rolled over allll by yourself, how I cried a little with joy when I first heard you laugh (it is such a sweet laugh), when you said momma and dada, or when you sat up, when you started crawling (we won't tell anyone that you really really wanted that beer bottle that was just out of reach), getting teeth like a champion (no complaints at all with any of your six teeth), watching you play and learn, speaking of learning...you've figured out some naughty things to do and you love to do them (digging in the trash...messing with the computer cords) and now you're walking. You are such a big girl!! No matter what is going on you can always make me smile. You make me want to be a better person. You are beautiful inside and out and I always want you to feel happy and loved. I'm so sorry you are sick right now. I hope I am doing everything I can to make you better. I love you very much. Until next time...
Your biggest fan,
so serious with your baby bird hair!