You are 14 months old and you are such a character. You make me laugh all the time. You have no idea how adorable you are even though I tell you all the time. One day when you fully understand, you’ll get sick of hearing me say it! Some of the cute things you are doing right now are putting things around your neck. Necklaces, underwear, clothes, bags, scarfs…whatever you can find. You also turn around and back yourself up on us to sit down. Sometimes you will start clear across the room. Hilarious. You let me paint your toes. Your Nana taught you how to say hello while holding the phone up to your ear. Or anything you can hold up to your ear for that matter. You are also eating soooo good. You big girl. You can crawl on and off the bed and couch. That is such a big help. Last but not least…I look forward to finding all the things you’ve hidden for me. You’re favorite spot…the trashcan! I love you angel.

The joys of being able to sleep however…whenever…wherever.