A church friend is a photographer and she took some photos of the kiddos playing in the nursery. So I got free professional photos. I like free! I’ll have to get her to do some pictures and actually pay her though! She is good! I like her style! Thanks Connie McClain!
Giving thanks always
June 30, 2011
June 28, 2011
Summer Fun
The weather and water are finally warm enough for us to get some time in the pool. Not too much beats being in the water on a hot summer day! Peter would probably beg to differ. He got super sunburned. His shoulders are one big blister. Poor thing. Cora and I got lucky. No sunburns here. Just memories of the soggy bottom!
We haven’t invested in little swimmer diapers yet. Until then she gets the water soaked diaper. Daaaaaang girl. You got some Junk in the trunk! :)
June 27, 2011
A Gyuta Birthday
It was Peter’s birthday this past Friday. We celebrated 25 big years with dinner and a movie. We went to a place called Gyuta. It is a Korean bbq place. I’ve had several post on places like this. It’s so darn good.
The outside.
Quick snapshot of us. Peter is happy. PROMISE. He just hates that I take pictures of EVERYTHING.
The sauces that are key to the bbq flavor. And on the right you see a brown and white button thing. This folks is the genius system that the Japanese have in a lot of restaurants. When you need service, you ring a bell. They live you alone otherwise. I give this the Leah approval.
So many choices to choose from, juicy small intestins, much fat large intestine, rumen (not sure), omasum (not sure), much iron liver, resistance to the teeth is good aorta, mix organ, esophagus, asksen (not sure), or big bowels. Mmmm…
We went with the recommended regular beef and short ribs.
We cook it up ourselves. Half the fun in my opinion.
salad and miso soup.
yummy beef bowl.
Different flavors of ice cream for dessert. Their unique flavor would be green tea or green tea with cream. It is actualy tasty at this place but I’ve had some out in town that tasted like what you would imagine green tea ice cream to taste like…plus a putrid fishy taste. YUCK.
Sending out a happy birthday wish to you Peter. I love you. I hope you have a fabulous 25th year or 26th year…confusing….anyways… fabulous!
June 23, 2011
What a mess!
Every time Cora takes a bath she has to throw everything out of the tub. It is a fun little game she likes to play.
June 21, 2011
Dear Cora-
Your year and a half mark was a couple of days back. Oh how time flies when you are having fun. You girlfriend…are a lot of fun. You brighten my day and even when you are getting in trouble I can’t help but turn my head (so you can’t see me) and laugh. The newest cute thing you do is tickling. Tickling us, tickling yourself and you don’t just tickle you make the noises too….tickle tickle tickle….you are too adorable!
Love- mommy
June 19, 2011
Father’s Day 2011
June 17, 2011
I have a lot of stuff to do. Lots of stuff I don’t want to do….Like write a paper, fold a weeks worth of laundry, do dishes, vacuum, mop, clean the bathroom, clean someone else’s house (I do that on Fridays)… so instead I’m going to take a nap! It’s settled. Maybe I’ll have some motivation when I wake up! Maybe…..
June 15, 2011
When it comes to the pacifier I occasionally joke that I did things a bit backwards. At one year many moms are trying to break their babies from using a pacifier. I on the other hand didn’t even give Cora a pacifier until she was one. Being a breastfeeding mom I had to wait a certain amount of time before I could introduce a binky or a bottle. I didn’t want to disrupt my milk supply or confuse her. I went way beyond that time period. I probably could have completely skipped giving her a binky but it is a helpful little tool and she looks so darn sweet with it. I know I could take it away and she wouldn’t miss it. To some it may seem backwards, to me it was just right.
June 14, 2011
Uhei aka Fish Tank
It has been 7 days since I last blogged. My apologies. School and life has been a little hectic. I want blogging to be a pleasure and if I’m not feeling up to it, I’m not going to do it. But I do have some stuff to share. :)
We’ve been meaning to go to this restaurant that Peter had told me about basically since we got to Japan. It is just down the road from the main gate. This past Wednesday we had time to spare before church and we finally made it! It’s called Uhei or Fish Tank. I’m not sure if that is an actual translation or if that I just what they call themselves for the English sake because they have a huge fish tank on the outside of their building. Either way, Peter kept telling me about the stuffed chicken wings they had. I wasn’t that impressed with those (SORRY BABE) but I did enjoy the other food I got!
A shot of the front.
Checking out the fish from the inside of the restaurant.
Notice the tables on the left. You take off your shoes and sit Indian style on the raised floor. That isn’t the most comfortable seating for Peter with his long legs so we opted for a table.
Looking into the kitchen area. Most restaurants do their cooking in an open area where the customers can watch.
the seafood.
bacon wrapped everything!
These bowls were super yummy and so simple. It is just rice, egg, and chicken for me, pork for Peter. Soooo good.
The gyoza stuffed chicken I was so excited to try. It was pretty good but I don’t think I would get it again.
Walking to church…hand in hand!
June 7, 2011
Happiness in a pot
Peter talked me into getting some flowers and I’m glad he did. They make me smile. They make my kitchen a happier place. Judy, do you know what kind of flowers these are?
June 4, 2011
Jam’s Garden
On the way to the beach Monday we came across this little gem, Jam’s Garden. It was so cute. We had to stop in and give it a try.The ocean view from the outside patio.
The lady making our coffee.
They make jam so I thought this was cute. The recipe for Love Jam.
Strawberry + sugar+ love. Boil. Put in a jar with lid and string= Love JamThe wall of jams.
Free testers, my favorite.
June 1, 2011
Oshima Island
Memorial day was spent partially at a church picnic and partially out at Oshima Island. Two other couples and us caravanned out there and frolicked on the beach. It had been raining for days and days but the sun came out Monday and it was beautiful!
Going over the bridge connecting the islands.
Shot from the beach.
A true beachcomber with her walking stick.
Sharing her goodies she found.
The water was way too cold to play in but we lounged around in the sand and soaked up the sun.