plus some.
my love.
I love this site! I feel creative just being on it! I feel fashionable by looking at the pretty clothes. I feel like I’ve traveled the world by looking at pictures. I laugh at the hilarious posts and stories. I cry with the touching ones. If you haven’t joined yet, you should!
We drove up to Hiroshima to pick up one of Peter’s bosses today. We took the Sanyo (a toll road) and the Japanese are apparently big on rest stops. There are lots of them and they all have restaurants and bakeries and lots of goodies to look at and for sale. Normally the one we stop at has a Starbucks in it but this time we changed it up. We ate at Mermaid Café. We shared minestrone soup, clam chowder, a ham and cheese sandwich, and a roast beef sandwich (this one was really good). Peter got a matcha latte (talked about in a previous post), which he claims is much better when it is freshly made. Still tasted like fish to me, but whatever. We sat in the little café and dreamed about having our very own one day. We’d love to have our own business and something comfy and chic like a coffee shop/café would be awesome in my book. Will it ever happen…who knows…a girl can dream.
We watched this documentary recently and decided we would give this juice thing a try. This is the end of day two and I’m really excited about eating tomorrow! I just love food to much to give it up. I am going to take this quick fast as a start to a new way of eating. I may throw in a juice every now and then because they are pretty tasty. At this point though I couldn’t imagine drinking another one. This guy does it for 60 days. I really couldn’t imagine that but I’m also not 300 plus pounds sick and nearly dead. Thank God for that. Anyways, if you are into documentaries, give this one a try.
Yuu beach is about 45 minutes outside of base. My friend Olivia and I decided to go on a sporadic trip there this week. The weather was beautiful and the water felt amazing. We did have to watch out for jelly fish though. The beach was basically all ours except for a few people that passed by.
Yuu BeachWalking down to the water
Ahh…feels good!
Bridget with her toes in the sand..
Cora and Bridget sharing a seat.
This was a big deal. Peter normally heads to church in flip flops and shorts. He likes to be comfortable. We are totally okay with being comfortable, even if the rest of the church is in suits and dresses. Peter was part of the men’s choir this past Sunday however, and they made him dress up. So we put on our Sunday best. We had about 15 people tell us “ya’ll clean up nice”.
I think so too!
The Matcha Latte is a green tea latte. The most famous matcha producing region is up in Kyoto. Thus the name. Matcha is finely-milled green tea. Disappointingly enough, this drink isn’t very good to my American taste buds. I bet the Japanese love it though!
On another note…this is another one of the Starbucks Discoveries that I found at the 7-11! I will make it without a Starbucks on every corner because of these things! Too bad it took me a year to find them!
The little restaurant that could. Being from Texas and knowing authentic Tex-Mex makes it hard for me to take a Tex-Mex restaurant in Japan seriously. Amazingly enough it is really good. It is super overpriced and you even have to pay for chips but it will do just fine until I get back to the real thing!
I want some more!
This dress was mine when I was little. I remember it distinctly from this picture my mom has. I’m in this dress with all my play jewelry on. I’m talking both arms full of bracelets, necklaces, and broaches down one side of my dress. And of course the Chucky smile that all kids go through.
Different day obviously, but a good example of the Chucky smiles. Haha…