We decided to take a relaxed approach to potty training. We keep Cora in a dress with no panties. We have the potty in the living room (we are slowly moving it back to the bathroom). We started by asking her if she needed to go but we always just got a “no”. So we stopped pestering her and now she just goes whenever she wants. She’s done beautifully. It’s only been a few days so I’m not brave enough to go out in public without undies but soon enough it’ll be fine. She makes me so proud how independent and smart she is.
Giving thanks always
January 27, 2012
January 24, 2012
Krispy Kreme
On our way back from Sasebo we took a “small” detour to Fukuoka to get some Krispy Kreme donuts for our church (by small detour I mean a 4 hour trip turned into 11). Imagine this… take a detour in a foreign country, without a map, without a clue where you are going…. that happened. About the time we were going to give up we happened to come upon a mall. We got 10 free minutes of wifi which was just enough to get a Google map pulled up. No directions, just a map. Olivia (a friend of ours) gave us an idea of what area we were looking for and we just got lucky basically. We found an Eddie Bauer which is Peter’s favorite store. So we had to stop. The lady inside helping us spoke a little English and told us that we were very close to Krispy Kreme…we just had to go down the stairs right outside of Eddie Bauer and we found it in an underground shopping center. Thanks Eddie Bauer.
I love big cities…they make me feel more at home. I mean seriously, from this post you wouldn’t think these pictures were all taken in Japan.
January 23, 2012
I just had to share this new thing I found. It’s popcorn that comes in it’s own stand alone bag/container type thing. And no it’s not a huge movie theater bowl that you can get at movie rental places. It looks like a regular popcorn bag but then you peel off a plastic side and there you have it, a bowl. If you are like me, then doing dishes is not such a fun chore. I especially hate using dishes unnecessarily. Like with popcorn for example. It comes in a bag that you can eat out of but most of the time you have to put it in a bowl. Now it comes in it’s own bowl that can be thrown away. I’m a fan.
January 22, 2012
Nagasaki Peace Museum
It’s a little hard to walk through and really embrace all that a museum can offer with a two year old that just wants to touch everything. However, we got to spend a little time in the Nagasaki Peace Museum.
Life size replica of the bomb “Fat Man” dropped on Nagasaki.
Replica of the outside of a Church left standing after the bombing.
January 19, 2012
While I have fun at my MOPS meetings Cora has fun at hers too! Here are a few snapshots of Cora and her friends today.
Can you spot her in all the pictures?
January 18, 2012
We went sledding recently with our friends the Barnaby’s. I was too scared to do much sledding (I got pushed down the mountain once and the other time I rode with Peter. We were soooo heavy that we were going super slow. Just like I like it!!)but the hubby and Cora had a blast! My snow bunny.
Family photo…
Let’s try this again. Still a little angry…but at least she’s not crying.
The men right before they took off down a big drop.
Gorgeous view.
Heading down the mountain. That’s a lot of snow.
A cute little coffee shop we stopped at.
Fresh drink & rest…that’s exactly what I needed!
A darn good cup of coffee
January 15, 2012
Sasebo Burger
In Sasebo there are about 15 burger joints. They all have a different names, different hours, and different specialty burgers. They all fall under the Sasebo Burger title however. We were told we just had to try one out. These 2 were actually clustered together. We weren’t super impressed but people seem to find that intriguing. Maybe we just got the wrong type of burgers. I liked their curly fries and they had good ice. I wasn’t totally disappointed!
January 14, 2012
Random Sasebo and Nagasaki Stuff
Some pretty lights in downtown Sasebo.
They refer to this bridge as the Spectacle Bridge because if you look at it from the right angle the reflection in the water and the arches form perfect circles that look like glasses. This is the oldest stone arch bridge in Japan built back in 1634. In Nagasaki.
The opening to the Sofukuji Temple. I didn’t go inside because we were in a hurry and it cost. This was founded by Chinese resident in 1629. In Nagasaki.
Some random shrine we passed while looking for the Sofukuji Temple. In Nagasaki.
We bought a little laptop to entertain Cora while traveling. It’s going to really come in handy on flights back to the U.S.
Cora always has so much fun in the little shopping carts. She just has to ride in them.
One of the perks of staying on the base in Sasebo. We ate SOOO much Chili’s. It was amazing. I miss American food. Droooool.