Giving thanks always

"Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" -Eph 5:20

September 26, 2010

Bowling League

Mark this up as one of those things I never thought I would do. My neighbor (Japan BFF) totally talked me into joining the women's bowling league on base. I thought I was really horrible but turns out I'm not too bad. Our team, Splits Happen, has been in first place the past 3 weeks. We fell down to third this past straight default...but we won't talk about that! The league consists of six 3 person teams and there are usually 6 games in a session. There can be as many sessions a year as people are willing to play. So Amanda, Sarah and I have been kicking serious booty so far but Sarah hurt her toe and is on the sidelines probably for the rest of this I think first place is out of the question now. That's alright though. I've been having a good time on Wednesday nights! Bowling...never saw that coming.

The Strike Zone...where I spend my Wednesdays.

In case you have never been inside a bowling ally! haha!

The team! Me, Sarah and Amanda. Don't mind the tiara. It was Sarah's birthday!

Sarah's gimp toe. :( Poor Sarah! Get well!! We need you!

Possibly my best score! See that Turkey??? Even my team mates didn't think I could do it. Proved them wrong!! haha! Turkey= 3 strikes in a row!



  1. You need to tell them that sarah got better made up her games and we should be back on top!!!

  2. Dang girl!....231?????? I'm impressed. Looks like fun ever Wednesday night. :-)
