Hello there new year. I can’t wait to see what kind of interesting things you’ll bring. Another year in Japan. Another 365 days with my baby girl. At least one trip back to the good ole U.S of A. I bid you farewell 2010. You were good to me.
So I’m not really into new year’s resolutions. I always fail about 2 days into it…if I last that long. I know some folks that are giving up some pretty hefty items. Like meat, sweets, FACEBOOK. Geez….I couldn’t even imagine. I’d love to do something for a whole year. Really impress myself with my commitment.
Resolution #1. read The Bible every day.
Resolution #2. no candy.
Resolution #3. blog at least 3 times a week.
Resolution #4. quit cursing.
Resolution #5. Drop these last pesky 20 pounds.
These things should be attainable. We’ll see. So, that is it for now. I still have a few more hours to come up with something. Last post of 2010.