An up close look at the beautiful cake that Amanda made for Cora. Thank you Amanda, you rock!
Giving thanks always
"Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" -Eph 5:20
December 19, 2010
Cora's Birthday.
We should start at the beginning. I'd been flying around the house getting everything ready because OF COURSE we didn't give ourselves enough time to get everything done. Then our first guest arrives and Cora is next door, naked-as usual. I go get Cora and get her dressed in her party skirt, that I made! I'm sooo proud of it. I see them all over the place and I think they are super cute...way easy to make. Well maybe I should go back to the VERY beginning. (PS. if you read my stuff at all, you know I'm a rambler. I write how I think and I think all over the I hope you can follow)! So I was doing some last minute touch ups on the party skirt I made Cora. It was a little loose so I needed to cut some of the elastic off and sew it back together. Well my sewing machine decided to hate me today and sucked up the elastic and the string was all knotted up. At this point I have an hour before the party starts and I haven't taken a shower. And her skirt is now hung up in the sewing machine. So I'm getting frantic. This was panic attack number one. Thank goodness Peter was there to walk me through it. We cut the skirt out of the sewing machine and just decided I would hand sew it. So the first needle I grab was a sewing machine needle and it wouldn't go through the elastic. Panic attack two. I didn't think I had any regular needles. BREATH. I found some. And quickly sewed that bad boy together. So for the most part the skirt was very easy to make. Dare I say even fun. I failed at making a shirt to go with it. I need some of that iron on stuff because I'm not good at sewing yet. One day...bucket list. the shower I go. Soooo back to the other beginning. I get Cora dressed and bring her to play with her first guest. Upset, needy, crying..."it's my party and I'll cry if i want to" was the theme song of the day! Mommy didn't think things through and planned a party during nap time. So under the circumstances she did pretty good but man ol man was she upset most of the time. She cried through the whole cake shebang! I thought for sure she'd dive in face first...but instead she just cried. And got super disgusted when she got cake on her fingers. haha... good times. But we had some good friends over and she got some cute new toys to play with. I got to do a little entertaining. And I think I only panicked two or three times after that first big one i spoke of earlier. Once when my camera was dying and then i realized that my video camera needed to be charged too RIGHT as we were about to start singing happy birthday....geez get your act together, right? Another time when I realized 6 of the kids I invited weren't going to show up. Oh well, there weren't enough chips for them anyway! And what is a party without chips? Amen?
An up close look at the beautiful cake that Amanda made for Cora. Thank you Amanda, you rock!
The snacks....i made a cold pasta as well that i forgot to put out...
The rockin goodie bags.
Hey mom!!!!! Quick question...
Does this skirt make my butt look big?
Opening her gifts
Playing with her new toys.
Daddy lovin.
Cake time!!
I don't know about this stuff.
Maybe it is not tooooo bad.
Oh...heck no!!!!!
Bath time!!!
Partying at my birthday in my birthday suit!!!
You like my hat?

An up close look at the beautiful cake that Amanda made for Cora. Thank you Amanda, you rock!
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Sounds like it was a good time!! I have to admit, I laughed pretty much through the whole post because I could just hear you telling it just like you were writing it :) Adorable pictures too!
ReplyDeleteThis is Robyn posting by the way. :)
I LOVE the birthday suit picture! Cora is adorable!