With Christmas around the corner, I've been thinking a lot about Santa which in turn made me think about the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy and so on. I'm sorry baby girl but I'm telling you now; there is no such thing as Santa, the Easter bunny, or the tooth fairy. We buy the gifts and hide the eggs and put money under your pillow. As parents we would be the first people to introduce you to these "people" but I know you'll hear about them from other places. It would be impossible to hide them from you. Santa is everywhere during Christmas and the Easter bunny is everywhere during Easter. You'll hear about them, but not from us. I hope you don't ever feel like you missed out. I just don't want to lie to you or crush your spirit when you find out these things never really existed. Besides an old man sneaking into your house at night to drop off presents is a little creepy! And most importantly, that is not what these holidays are about. The Hallmark part of the holidays becomes too big and the real reason for the season gets pushed to the side. Family and Jesus are what are important. We celebrate Jesus's birth at Christmas and His death and Resurrection at Easter my love. That is what you need to know. I love you.
The real Santa, Easter Bunny, and Tooth Fairy (Mommy)
Our first Christmas together!

ReplyDeleteI think you will regret taking away the magic of Christmas! The girls love that it is Jesus Birthday and we make donations to all sorts of charities. I worried about the same thing so I turn it into what it is. Yes there is Santa and the tree and all that but it is a time of year to spread goodwill, every gift we donate we talk about how we are so blessed and have so much that Jesus wants us to share our blessings and by doing so we are honoring him and his birth. But there is nothing like the look on my babies face Christmas morning when they see what their reward is for not just being good but being a good Christian. It's amazing how they make the connection that doing what is right and following Gods word is rewarded here on earth but more importantly the rewards they are creating in heaven. When you come home talk to Gracie about it...you may think differently :) If not I respect your wishes and love that you are brave enough to express them!