Cora has had a runny nose and a cough since we got back from the Texas/Washington adventure and I finally decided to take her to the doctor. Back story…back story…back story….. I had a whole little spill typed up but I really just want to get to my rant!!!!!!!! I took Cora to the doctor. He listened to her lungs. Perfect. Looked at her throat. Just fine. Checked her ears. Right one-red and swollen. Left one-red. So she automatically has an ear infection. The whole cough and disgusting nose issue goes out the window and all that matters are her ears. Well, me being me. I don’t want to jump to conclusions and stick her right on antibiotics. I don’t even like taking Tylenol for a headache unless it is too unbearable. So the doctor says fine come back tomorrow and we’ll see how they look then. I already knew I’d come back and they would be the same and we’d end up putting her on medicine but whatever. Before that appointment was over he asked if her vaccinations were up to date. The dreaded question. The question I’ve feared since she was born. “Nope, she’s actually never had a vaccination”. Shock and awe comes from this man. Why one Earth would someone not vaccinate their child. So I listened to his speech. Listened to him tell me that she keeps having red ears (ear infections) and that she could get meningitis and die. I listened and I let him scare me. I let him tell me how awful I would feel if my daughter died because I didn’t vaccinate her and then went on my way. Well, I went back to the same doctor today so he could check on Cora’s ears. They were of course the same like I predicted. He talked to me some more about vaccinations. He shot down all my opinions and remarks. back story…back story….I’ve talked to much…back story…
HERE’S THE BOMB PEOPLE. He tells me that he had to report me for being a neglectful mother. For four reasons. 1. The last time she was sick we didn’t finish her antibiotics (she got better without them.) 2. We didn’t do a follow up (we saw 4 different doctors, they all said something different, and we didn’t know we needed to follow up). 3. We didn’t take Cora to her 12 month well child check up (she’s not on a vaccination schedule so it’s not 100% important that she goes…she’s was WELL after all). 4. We don’t vaccinate. Along with reporting that I’m neglectful Peter’s command gets a nice little letter from medical letting them know that we are neglectful. This all upset me pretty bad. As a parent we make some pretty tough choices. I would never intentionally do anything to hurt Cora. She is everything to me. I hope that neglectful would never be a word that comes into your mind when you think about me and my child. My world has totally revolved around her and her well being, happiness, safety, and comfort for the last 14 plus months. It makes me so mad and so hurt. Here’s a big middle finger to you good sir. You are wrong about me. Judge me all you want…but I know the truth.
From the very beginning I’ve tried to do the very best for you.
Wow! What a crazy thing! You are a great mommy, so don't get down on yourself! Stick to your guns! I do not quite understand why yall wont get her shots updated, BUT that is yall's choice not mine. I will be praying for God to give yall perseverance in this situation. Love you guys!