Giving thanks always

"Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" -Eph 5:20

December 31, 2011

25 years old

I’m getting old but I always get so spoiled on my birthdays so I guess it is okay! My mom sent me a beautiful necklace, earring, and bracelet set. My hubby bought me jewelry, a gift card to the salon, and a year long subscription to a pretty exciting magazine. I started my day off eating lunch with lots of my girlfriends. That night Peter and I went for dinner and a movie. It was a great birthday! Thank you to everyone that helped make it successful!

387901_10150478756403236_507798235_8468885_621054456_nAngel and I IMG_0651Keely and AshleyIMG_0657Tempest and her crazy self! IMG_0659Sarah and LibbyIMG_0661 Brianna and Olivia383000_10150478757273236_507798235_8468893_1924917567_nHappy birthday me!IMG_0662

The pretty jewelry Peter spoiled me with!!

December 29, 2011

Christmas 2011


Opening gifts while Skyping with Nana..IMG_0636

Lots of Elmo toyIMG_0634IMG_0641

She got lots of books. These were the educational one. Who wouldn’t have fun reading The Gas We Pass and Everyone Poops. IMG_0635

Probably her favorite present was her tent! It’s set up in the middle of our living room. We are in desperate need for a bigger house! Whatever makes our angel happy though! IMG_0639

December 27, 2011

Christmas Eve


One of my families Christmas traditions is to go to a candle light service on Christmas eve. We got to keep that tradition this year because the chapel on base had a service. We sang carols, tried not to catch the chapel on fire, and then had cookies and hot chocolate afterwards. Holidays are never the same without all your family but this helped me feel like I wasn’t in a different country from them!

December 26, 2011

MAG 12 Christmas Party

Peter’s work party was all about the kids. Cora got balloon animals and a balloon bracelet, she got her face painted, and played in bouncy houses. 


Admiring her bracelet. IMG_0599IMG_0606

A bunny isn’t very Christmas-y but that’s okay! IMG_0608IMG_0611

December 20, 2011

Growing Up

Last year she was 27 inches tallIMG_0585Daddy measuring herIMG_0588“I wanna help”IMG_0590“I’m hoooow tall?”IMG_059131 1/2 inches according to our calculations…33 at the Dr though. IMG_0592

December 18, 2011

2 years old!


A super happy birthday to my crazy, beautiful, wonderful little girl Cora! You rock my world!!



Saturday Night

Last member_11928209night I saw my first hypnotist show done by a man named Chuck Milligan. It was extremely entertaining. The power he had over people was insane. We talked to a few victims afterwards and they couldn’t remember anything they did. They just felt super energized. Apparently these people being hypnotized for an hour equates to them being asleep for 6-7 hours. People in the audience got hypnotized as well. He suggested not doing it if you were pregnant so I didn’t try but it sure would have been nice to get some sleep! I would have missed the show though.

December 13, 2011

December 10, 2011

December 9, 2011

Christmas Tree Lighting

The base kicked off the month of December with a Christmas tree lighting, singing, gift giving, hot chocolate, cookies, and of course Santa. We don’t do Santa so we didn’t get that excited about the big guy. We were most excited about the cookies!!!
