Giving thanks always

"Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" -Eph 5:20

February 27, 2011

So forgetful

Jan-Feb 2011 518

Dear Cora-

I somehow forgot the most precious thing you are doing now. KISSES!!!!! You give them soo willingly. I especially like when we wake up in the morning and you have a kiss waiting for mommy and daddy. You could end wars with your kisses!

Love- Mom

February 25, 2011

Dear Cora-

You are 14 months old and you are such a character. You make me laugh all the time. You have no idea how adorable you are even though I tell you all the time. One day when you fully understand, you’ll get sick of hearing me say it! Some of the cute things you are doing right now are putting things around your neck. Necklaces, underwear, clothes, bags, scarfs…whatever you can find. You also turn around and back yourself up on us to sit down. Sometimes you will start clear across the room. Hilarious. You let me paint your toes. Your Nana taught you how to say hello while holding the phone up to your ear. Or anything you can hold up to your ear for that matter. You are also eating soooo good. You big girl. You can crawl on and off the bed and couch. That is such a big help. Last but not least…I look forward to finding all the things you’ve hidden for me. You’re favorite spot…the trashcan! I love you angel.



The joys of being able to sleep however…whenever…wherever.

February 24, 2011

Oh Baby!

I am so excited. This couple right here.

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This is Brandon and Danielle. They are some of our best friends. We met them while living in North Carolina. They even spent a few months living in our house. Bless their little hearts! haha! Well,  they just found out they are having a baby! They are going to be amazing parents! And we could not be happier for them. I was also like the second person to find out. So thanks for letting me hold on to that secret with you guys! We love you so much! Can’t wait to meet the newest Franklin!

February 22, 2011


Just saying the word makes me shutter a little. Let me start from the beginning. I liked school…enough. I mainly liked it because I did well in it without having to try too hard and of course the social aspect of it. Then we had to go off to college. I went to Sam Houston State University. I did a semester there and then came home and went to a community college for a semester. And then I got married and decided to take online classes. As you know, hubby is in the military and it’s kinda hard to go to college if you have to keep moving around. So I chose University of Phoenix. Mainly because they were the first school to get in touch with me. But anyways. I stuck it out with them for a few years and finally got my Associates degree. Then I started towards my Bachelors. I only made it in a few classes before I put in the towel. But I started classes again today after a couple of years off. Just a few sentences in to a reading assignment and all my motivation is gone again. This is not a good sign. But what can I do. I know I need to have some kind of back up if anything ever happens to Peter. My BF Amanda C. said she’d be my sugar momma. But that isn’t 100% reliable either. I guess I have to do it. Here I go. Wish me luck!

February 21, 2011


I totally got to pull off a surprise for Peter. He has been gone for the past 7 weeks at SGTs Course. When he flew home he was expecting a ride back on a shuttle bus but Cora and I were there to greet him instead!


Reuniiiiiited and it feeeeels so good!

February 20, 2011


We went to Church today for the first time since we had been in Japan. 7 months is a long time to go without fellowship, worship and  preaching. We decided to check out a little church that is right outside the main gate of base. It’s very small but some great things come in small packages! They people were all very friendly and we heard some good preaching. It was a sermon I needed to hear! The preacher talked about how as Christians we don’t talk enough about Jesus. We need to be telling everyone about the Lord and what he’s done instead of just mindless gabbing about the latest football game or American Idol. We waste a lot of precious opportunities to save souls. Of course it was much more wordy and eloquent. We’ll probably be making this new church our Sunday home.

February 17, 2011

The mystical water fountain

Just in case you weren’t sure what to do with one of these things.

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February 16, 2011

Mommy strength

The Lord gives moms strength to do just about anything. You know lifting cars up to save their children and so on. Well, I didn't do anything quite that amazing but I did make two across the world trips with a one year old. At points it felt like lifting a car would be easier. The first trip was 38 hours. Five flights. Two countries. Basically zero sleep. I started the trip with 2 hours of sleep and then didn't sleep until I made it to Texas. Unless you count that nodding off, head bobbing, waking up sleep; that might have happened for a few hours. Thankfully the return trip was cut in half due to my short stay in Washington. So I first had a almost 7 hour trip and then the 2nd half was probably about 16 hours or so. Even though the 2nd trip was much shorter...i had a sick it was much worse. Anyways. We survived. Thank you mommy strength!

we met some friends along the way.

she just walked around and talked to everyone.

Looking out the window. We hadn't taken off yet. But there isn't much to look at once you get up in the sky anyway! :)

February 15, 2011

I'm baaaaaaack!

My and my little sugar foot Cora have traveled the world yet again. We went home for an amazing month. I could have stayed much longer but hubby needs me with him. And i'm so grateful we can actually be together this time so I have to take advantage of all the time we get. With the military you just never know when your loved one can will be taken off somewhere. Anyways I had a great time with friends and family. Vacations can't last forever. Just a few more days until we'll be reunited with Peter. Can't wait to see how Cora reacts. I know she's been missing her daddy...

bloggy friends. I'm baaaaaaaaaack!

February 1, 2011


I'm so sorry i've been slacking lately on my posts. I'm on vacation and I just have much better things to do! I do enjoy blogging but spending every minute I can with family and friends is the most important thing to me right now! I'll be back in full force in about 15 days! :) Be patient!