Giving thanks always

"Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" -Eph 5:20

May 12, 2012


This post is LOOOONG past due. I went to Yokosuka with my friend Connie a while back. She was getting her “gender reveal” ultrasound. We were only an hour and half train ride away from Tokyo. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever make it back up that way to go to Tokyo so we made a quick little trip.


We heard the train systems were tricky in Tokyo but we managed to do okay. We got help from a few strangers.


Tokyo Tower


We couldn’t go all the way to the top because they were doing some renovations but we got pretty high. We are in the elevator here headed up.


A little shrine inside the tower.


They had windows in the floor you could look down. It would have been easier to see in the day but still pretty neat.


This is one of the city shots I took from inside the tower.


We stopped by Roppongi which is a really popular area of Tokyo.


Hard Rock Cafe


We had a few choices of American food but decided on Outback Steakhouse.


Yuuummm….yeah that is totally fries and a loaded mashed potato!


Connie and I in Roppongi. Two pregnant chicks getting wild and crazy…

April 23, 2012

Ahh Texas.


bluebonnets and my girl…

April 18, 2012


On my way back to the states I had an unplanned vacation in Okinawa, Japan. Luckily an old friend is stationed there with her husband. She graciously let Cora and I stay with her and she even was our very own tour guide.


Meet Kriston and her cutie patootie daughter Skylar.


A few shots of American Village. An eating and entertainment area.





Their seawall was plastered with interesting graffiti.




So tropical and beautiful.


I thought this was an interesting photo showing the clash of cultures. The two statues you see are known as Shisa. People put these on their roofs, gates, or entrances into their homes and businesses. From Okinawan mythology, they are believed to two things. The statue with the mouth open keeps evil spirits out and the statue with the mouth closed keeps good spirits in. I saw these everywhere in Okinawa. I will occasionally stumble across them here in mainland Japan. A combination of western civilization with Starbucks and the Okinawan history with the Shisa statues. Thank you Okinawa.

April 7, 2012

I’ve been gone…

but now I’m back and I have my mommy with me! I went back to the states for a month and it was quite the adventure. Of course. I don’t want to spend too much time blogging because my mom is only going to be here a short time…but I’ll check in more frequently and then be back to the daily blogging soon. I’ve got lots to share already.

February 21, 2012

Off We Go…

We find out the gender of baby#2 tomorrow and we are very excited!

February 20, 2012

Fish Bait?

Some of the foods we came across during our travels. Yes this stuff is for human consumption.


My mom is coming to visit soon and I can’t wait to see some of her reactions to things. This title is for her.

February 19, 2012

19 Weeks


Almost half way there…looking gigantic today. I think it is the dress. I’m secretly hoping it is the dress…I might be HUUUUUUGE  by the time 40 weeks rolls around.

February 18, 2012


Japan funny

A little funny I came across…

February 17, 2012


While traveling on the expressway we stopped at one of the many gas station/rest stop/convenient store locations. At this particular stop I came across this really dark meat with (as you can see) fish characters near by. I’ve never seen black meat before so of course I was curious. To my surprise…it was whale. Whale steaks, whale tuna, whale in general. It’s apparently that dark because they smoke it and salt it for consumption. Cultural differences are interesting. I thought it was crazy they sold whale like that and he thought it was odd that we don’t in the United States. He remembered eating it in the cafeteria during elementary school. Has anyone eaten whale before? What’s it like?


February 15, 2012


Apparently this bakery/coffee shop makes “the best cheesecake ever”- Peter.


Thanks Neo Classic Clover…too bad you are so far away in Nagasaki.

February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

Even though we shouldn’t need  a special day to show our love for one another… ill go ahead and jump on the bandwagon… for my blog’s sake.


February 13, 2012

Nagasaki Lantern Festival By Day

The Lantern Festival is held yearly to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Peter and I went on an overnight trip to Nagasaki to enjoy the festivities.


China Town


One of the performance areas.
