Giving thanks always

"Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" -Eph 5:20

January 18, 2012


We went sledding recently with our friends the Barnaby’s. I was too scared to do much sledding (I got pushed down the mountain once and the other time I rode with Peter. We were soooo heavy that we were going super slow. Just like I like it!!)but the hubby and Cora had a blast! IMG_0990My snow bunny.IMG_0994IMG_0998IMG_1010Family photo…IMG_1049Let’s try this again. Still a little angry…but at least she’s not crying.IMG_1044The men right before they took off down a big drop.IMG_1048Gorgeous view.IMG_1059IMG_1070Heading down the mountain. That’s a lot of snow. IMG_1071A cute little coffee shop we stopped at.IMG_1074Fresh drink & rest…that’s exactly what I needed! IMG_1076IMG_1079A darn good cup of coffee


  1. We LOVE that coffee shop!! :) We found it last year around this time and go often!! :)

  2. That looks like an awesome day! You guys look so happy and you look super gorgeous with your long hair! I love it!
