Giving thanks always

"Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" -Eph 5:20

January 9, 2011

Baby Einstein

To people that created Baby Einstein you are a genius and I 4984_orgthank you! From the opening credits  you captivate Cora’s attention and keep it! You give me some free time to do the things I need to do around the house, time to just breath, time to blog. I like to do my own parenting. I try not to let objects and the television raise my kid. Sometime though you need a little outside help. It is hard to do the dishes while holding a baby. You get the point. But that is a whole other post! I highly suggest Baby Einstein to all parents. We have quite a few of them. Cora hasn’t always enjoyed them but now that she is a bit older she really sits there and watches them intently. She is currently learning sign language from Baby’s First Signs. I get to learn as well! It is a good investment parents! And you are welcome Disney! I expect my check in the mail soon! I know your stock will go through the roof now that I’ve endorsed on your product!


Also, a very happy birthday to the greatest mom in the world. You are beautiful inside and out! So very loving, giving and compassionate. I love you!!!May 2010 052

1 comment:

  1. We have a ton of them too...I am going to have to break them out for your visit :) Of course my girls are too big for them now but when they were her age they were a life saver!
