Giving thanks always

"Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" -Eph 5:20

June 28, 2011

Summer Fun

The weather and water are finally warm enough for us to get some time in the pool. Not too much beats being in the water on a hot summer day! Peter would probably beg to differ. He got super sunburned. His shoulders are one big blister. Poor thing. Cora and I got lucky. No sunburns here. Just memories of the soggy bottom!


We haven’t invested in little swimmer diapers yet. Until then she gets the water soaked diaper. Daaaaaang girl. You got some Junk in the trunk! :)


  1. Hahahahah!!!! Girl, you definitely have a bootie there. hahahahahaha!!!!!

  2. LMAO!!!! Short got an aaaaaaasss! Love it! hahahaha
