Giving thanks always

"Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" -Eph 5:20

November 3, 2010


For grown ups and for children. Cora is a little young to fully enjoy Halloween but I of course wanted to dress her up and show her off! At first we bought an adorable little flower costume but she hated the head piece and it was a little small. I had to at least capture one picture of her partially in it. Then we got a little fairy costume for her. She fell asleep before we could head out to trick or treat. Sleep is most important!! I try to never wake a sleeping baby! So no pictures of her fairy costume. She can always use it for play though! You'll have to wait for those pictures. As for us grown ups. We went to a Halloween party and had a groovy (we were hippies) time!

our sweet flower!
we were hippies...very commercial hippies..but whatever!
I think I rocked that fro!!
Teddy bears...they were having too much fun! David and Jason.
Cora playing with every one's costume. Yes we are those people that bring a baby to a party!
Nicole being a kitty!!!
Greek goddess. Amanda.
Plug and outlet! haha! Cute couple costumes! Amber and Ben.
Test tube shots!
All the food! Mmmmm...this is where I hung out most of the time!


  1. OMG, this brings back memories of the Halloween parties we had. It's funny how people become unhibited when put in a costume...hahaha!!! Glad y'all had a good time! :-)

  2. LOL the frooooooo! You def rocked it! Reminds me of our not so sober trip to the bazzar here in Austin that one morning!
